New OS upgrades and Pear Note

Apple is in the process of its annual OS release season. So, I wanted to let you know what Pear Note’s compatibility with the new versions was.

Pear Note for iOS

Apple released iOS 9 two days ago (September 16). I’ve found no issues running the current version (2.2.4) of Pear Note on iOS 9. It seems to work just as it did on iOS 8. History has told me that even if I find no issues, there’s a good chance some of you might. If you do, please drop me an email so I can put out an update with fixes.

TL;DR – Works fine

Pear Note for Mac

Apple plans to release OS X El Capitan (10.11) on September 30. There are significant issues in the current version of Pear Note (3.1.4) on El Capitan. I’m working on an update to Pear Note to fix these problems, but it will likely not be ready before the September 30 when El Capitan comes out. If you rely on Pear Note, I’d recommend waiting to upgrade to El Capitan until a Pear Note update comes out.

TL;DR – Wait for update

11 Responses to “New OS upgrades and Pear Note”

  1. PeÃ… says:

    When will the update for El Capitan be ready. Planning to by a license but I want to make sure it works long term.

  2. c-had says:

    Hopefully it’ll be ready soon, but I can’t say exactly when. It’s 90% done, leaving only 90% to go (referencing the 90-90 rule: )

  3. PeÃ… says:

    I get it :) Good luck with the 90 percent.

  4. KR says:

    I would like to follow up on the progress of the new update. Thanks

  5. mike__b says:

    Also interested in the status of this update…Pear note is the only thing standing between my laptop and an OS X update

  6. Ken says:

    I don’t know what bug occur in el capitan, but is disable SIP fix all the problem?

  7. mike__b says:

    Should we infer that this software is no longer supported in OS X?

  8. mike__b says:

    We need an update, Please?

  9. G.W. says:

    Really hoping for that El Capitan update. Any time soon?

  10. Hec says:

    Story so far:

    – September 18, 2015: “Wait for update.”
    – October 7, 2015: “It’s 90% done, leaving only 90% to go (referencing the 90-90 rule).”
    – January 25, 2016: ??

    Would be reasonable to let users know if they should just stop waiting El Capitan compatibility and move on to other apps, or else give some kind of update on the work to be done for it, still.


  11. c-had says:

    Sorry for the delays. The update is out now. Please let me know if you still have problems.